What is Screen Printing???

Screen printing, also known as silk screen printing or serigraphy is a print making process that has been around for centuries. The process is thought to have first originated in China during the Song Dynasty (10-13th Century C.E.). Screen printing found its popularity in the West in the early 20th century and has been a staple in commercial printmaking ever since.
Screen printing is the process of photonegative images being exposed onto emulsion that is coated onto mesh screens. The ink is then pushed through the exposed image on the screen with the use of a rubber squeegee onto the artist’s desired substrate.
Screen printing can be found in every-day life, from the graphic on your t-shirt to the graphics on your home appliances. Beyond commercial applications, screen printing can also be used for fine art publishing- which has allowed countless artists to create incredible posters and flatwork.
Unlike risography, screen printing is not limited by color, substrate material, or media size and is a good option for any projects on material that isn’t a standard paper size. However, the process is more labor and material intensive and not as quick and accessible as risograph printing. If you are curious if risograph or screen printing is right for your project, we are happy to help with any questions— just reach out!