Our secondary RZ390 Risograph has 6 available ink colors:
Bright Red, Sunflower Yellow, Kelly Green, Smokey Teal, Mint, and Chicago Blue.
This unit was manufactured in the mid 2000’s and over the span of its lifetime has made over one million prints! It has lived multiple lives before making its way to us, and while it’s still running it is finally starting to show its age. This unit is starting to show some scan lines in its prints (see image below), and while you can work around these lines and still print beautiful work off of this machine we wanted to make this factor clear to anybody interested in using any of the RZ390’s ink colors in their projects.
These scan lines are focused on the left side of the image area, because of this we would recommend using these ink colors as accents instead of full saturation backgrounds or other major elements.
Additionally, the RZ390 is not networked and can only use the flatbed scanner to input images or color separations. This can add to variability in ink saturation and registration.